
Agile Marketing: A Primer (Video)

Agile marketing is more than a buzzword or fad. It’s a tried and tested approach to building successful digital marketing programs that resonate with clients.   

Kate Vasylenko, Founder and CEO of digital marketing firm 42DM, discusses the principles and roots of agile marketing in this Communicators-to-Communicators 3-Minute Insights Video. She outlines how this iterative approach to developing and testing marketing strategies and messages helps companies find what resonates with clients. 


Vasylenko discusses the role of data analytics to evaluate how marketing programs are working and to refining messages. She notes the importance of having a one-month plan, rather than a five-year plan, to allow for rapid iterations and responses to customer engagement.

By implementing agile marketing approaches with small target customer groups, companies can test and evolve programs in ways that increase cost efficiencies and maximize impact. 

The rise in Agile approaches to both marketing and business strategy (e.g. Lean Canvas) reflect expanding digital communications channels, data-analytics tools, and technology driven-businesses where AB testing of platforms, websites and messages have created new opportunities to engage and learn from audience subsets. 

Another way to think about agile marketing is testing the waters to find the place in a river where the current is most likely to carry you downstream to success. With limited budgets and almost infinite marketing opportunities, the question today is, "Can you afford not to be Agile?"                

Watch the video:


Read related articles on our Insights Blog, including: “Data Mining: How to Find PR & Communications Gold in Your Data”, “Why Every Organization Needs Key Messages ― 3 Elements of Effective Key Messages”, and “Marketing to Women: Getting It Right”.  

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Simon Erskine Locke, Founder & CEO of CommunicationsMatchTM 

Locke writes extensively on issues related to communications, PR, media and behaviors. Prior to founding CommunicationsMatch, which helps companies find agencies, consultants and freelancers that match needs, and generates new business leads for communicators, he held senior corporate communications roles at Prudential Financial, Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank and founded communications consultancies.  Contact:  [email protected].   


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