About company

At 360PR+ we know success is never a given. It's earned. Through the dogged pursuit of achieving a single-minded goal. The unabashed optimism for overcoming a big obstacle. The high that comes from achieving what others considered impossible.

Success is one demanding SOB. Only the best ideas have a shot at success in today's creative economy. Ideas that are conceived from the marriage of consumer insights and big data. Born from smart strategy. Nourished on a steady diet of creative thinking. And raised by a doting team of professionals who sweat the details and refuse to rest until the day is won.

At 360PR+ we know success is never a given. It's earned. Through the dogged pursuit of achieving a single-minded goal. The unabashed optimism for overcoming a big obstacle. The high that comes from achieving what others considered impossible.

We believe in ideas that inspire a love affair with brands. Blue-chip brands. Challenger brands. Brands large and small in size. All of them having one thing in common: deserving of affection, trust and loyalty.

360PR+ believes that great brands don't get to be great brands by thinking small. That's why we're as picky about the clients we represent as our clients are in choosing their outside agency partners. Working hand in hand with our clients, we make the world a better place.

There's no halfway at 360PR+. No dipping your toe to test the water. No turning around and hightailing it in the other direction when the going gets tough. No pride in thinking safe or small. Maybe that's why we didn't name the place 180PR.

We're 360PR+ because we think holistic and execute media agnostic. We blur the lines between PR, digital and social, creating impact that extends across an array of channels online and off. From stand-up-and-take-notice news moments, influencer marketing and thought-leader editorial, to social activations and digital content that gets people talking. And we don't rest until we come full circle with success in tow.


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