
PR Insights Blog: How to Post Thought Leadership and Articles


Posting to the PR Insights Blog is just one of the benefits of a comprehensive CommunicationsMatch™ profile. 

To get started, new users register at, choose a profile option (individual or agency), then select a comprehensive-level plan ($30 a month, before partner discounts). Create a profile and submit it for approval. Once approved, users can follow the steps below to submit a blog post.                              

Log in, then click PROFILE (top right). In the dropdown menu choose Post to Insights Blog. This will take you to the publishing page. (If your account has expired, you will need to activate it by choosing a new subscription plan through the PROFILE button).  

PR Insights Blog

The platform provides the ability to drop in your text, add pictures, and embed video within minutes. Editing is simple and straightforward. You can include links to other content using the link icon. Make sure the url you include takes users to a new page.       

PR Insights Blog Publishing Tools    

The publishing rules are simple. Content – thought leadership, research, opinion articles or press releases - must be original or a re-written summary of existing content with a different headline to ensure that it does not fall afoul of SEO best practices. The article must be relevant for a communications, PR and marketing audience. The length can be up to 1500 words and should be at least 250 words. Posts should include the author’s name, company, and title.    

Once you’ve have completed your post, click SUBMIT ARTICLE. It will be sent to our editors for review. Once approved we normally publish within one business day. Published articles can be edited or deleted at any time. We reserve the right to decline to post articles based on our editorial criteria.

Published articles will be incorporated into your profile, providing additional reasons for clients to shortlist you or your firm when they are looking to hire.        

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