
Purpose Driven: Finding Your & Your Company's Purpose - PR Leader & Author Patrice Tanaka (Video)

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with and interviewing Patrice Tanaka for our Communicators-to-Communicators 3-Minute Insights Videos series.

Despite the modesty which comes across in person and in the video, Tanaka is a legend in the PR industry.  She's founded and run very successful agencies and is now the Founder and Chief Joy Officer of Joyful Planet. (  

Her focus is on helping companies and people find their purpose in life.  In the interview, she shares how she found her life purpose, details why purpose is so important today and discusses benefits for businesses, noting that "purpose-driven companies out-perform profit only companies."

Many of us go through times in our lives and careers when we struggle to find our purpose.  Tanaka provides an insight into the powerful things that can happen when you find it.

Click to watch the video.


I invite you to check out and subscribe to the CommunicationsMatch YouTube Channel to watch the growing number of videos on topics including: communications best practices, media relations, professional development, communications research, crisis communications, the impact of technology on media, and much more.  Another industry legend, Tom Hoog, was featured in a recent Insights Blog click here to see what he and others have to share.



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