
How to Lead PR Leaders – Executive Coach Ken Jacobs Shares New eBook Takeaways (Video)

Thirty years ago Ken Jacobs was the Managing Director of my team at Ogilvy PR. He was a good one.

With four decades of experience under his belt from a successful PR career and as principal of Jacobs Consulting & Executive Coaching, he’s learned a few things about leadership, which he shares in his latest eBook How to Lead the Leaders on Your Team.   

He offers key takeaways in the latest short (5 minutes) Communicators-to-Communicators video on the CommunicationsMatch™ YouTube channel. 


PR Leadership Coaching

He kicks off by discussing the importance of treating leaders-in-training as leaders, even before they are promoted into leadership positions. And, the value of recognizing them with peers and clients as part of the process of building their confidence and encouraging others to follow them.

Jacobs outlines how delegating is essential not only to a leaders’ personal development, but to empowering their reports. He details the transitions leaders leading others need to make – from training to mentoring to coaching. 

That leaders need to find leadership styles suited to the values of their leaders-in-training is a valuable insight. Jacobs argues for an individualized approach to engaging with the leaders in their teams that reflects their motivations and connects with what’s important to them.  

Although communicators understand the power of words, when it comes to leaders leading others, he points out the most powerful word of all is YES. Saying yes will empower others and encourage them to take educated risks. He invites leaders to celebrate failures as learning opportunities on the path to success.

Watch the video here:



Ken is a CommunicationsMatch learning and development partner. Find out more about the services he offers to the PR, communications and marketing community here


Simon Erskine Locke is CEO of communications agency and professional search and services platform, CommunicationsMatch™. He is a regular contributor to and vice president of the Foreign Press Association. Search for Agencies, Professionals & Service providersCreate a profile on CommunicationsMatch. 






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