
Corporate Social Credibility & Black Lives Matter: Peter Stanton on Aligning Words & Actions (Video)

The idea of corporate social credibility provides a powerful framing tool for companies thinking about their responses to events over the last year, and the Black Lives Matter movement in particular. 



Peter Stanton, CEO of Stanton Communications, shares in a new CommunicationsMatch™ Communicators-to-Communicators video (7 minutes) the message he delivers to clients:

“At a time when anyone can say anything on Twitter or social media, companies need to specifically focus on the idea of social credibility.”     

Stanton highlights the way in which the drivers of corporate reputation have evolved from quality, service, and success to include social responsibility, stakeholder engagement, enlightened business practices, and sensitive communications.   

He shares the importance of responding to societal issues, but with the caveat that "words matter, but actions matter more." If the messages that are delivered aren’t credible – there will be consequences.

There are a number of reasons for companies and their leaders to engage around social issues – including employees and prospective talent who want to know what a company stands for and will make decisions based on this. 

Stanton makes a key point, “Activist leaders must understand that their activism does not entitle them to agreement by everyone on their team. They need to recognize that they do not represent all employees’ views.”

The discussion provides valuable insights into the new realities facing companies seeking to navigate through the new activist corporate landscape.   

Watch the video here:


Simon Erskine Locke is CEO of communications agency and professional search and services platform, CommunicationsMatch™. He is a regular contributor to and vice president of the Foreign Press Association. Search for Agencies, Professionals & Service providersCreate a profile on CommunicationsMatch. 

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