
Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT - The Future of Writing?

The lastest generation of Artificial Intelligence is getting a lot of attention. If you missed it, ChatGPT has the capability of writing essays, and much more, based on natural language requests.


AI Public Relations


In a new article for, I asked it to “write a short essay on the value of PR for companies.” It generated the following in less than 20 seconds. The essay underscores both the power and limitations of this technology. And, provides at least a short-term answer to the question: Is this the future of writing?

Here’s the unediited ChatGPT essay:          

“Public relations (PR) is a valuable asset for companies for a number of reasons. PR helps companies to establish and maintain a positive image and reputation in the public eye. This is important because a company's reputation can significantly impact its success. Customers, employees, investors, and other stakeholders are more likely to trust and support a company that has a good reputation. PR can also help to build brand awareness and loyalty, as well as to differentiate a company from its competitors.

One of the main ways that PR helps companies is by building and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders. This can include media outlets, industry organizations, customers, and employees. By building strong relationships with these groups, companies can more effectively communicate their messages and values, and can also gather valuable feedback and insights.

PR can also help companies to manage crisis situations. When a crisis occurs, it is important for a company to respond quickly and effectively in order to minimize any negative impact on its reputation. PR professionals can help companies to develop and implement a crisis management plan, and can also assist with media relations and messaging during a crisis.

In addition to these benefits, PR can also help companies to achieve their business goals. For example, PR can be used to promote new products or services, to drive sales and revenue, and to support other business objectives. PR can also help companies to build partnerships and collaborations with other organizations, which can lead to new opportunities and growth.

Overall, PR is a valuable tool for companies because it helps to establish and maintain a positive reputation, build relationships with key stakeholders, manage crisis situations, and achieve business goals. By effectively utilizing PR, companies can position themselves for success and create a positive impact in their industries and communities.”

There are a number of takeways. The first is that the writing is clear, well structured, and human. I know humans who cannot write as well.  

As I argue in CommPRO, writing is more than how words are put together, however. Through the lens of purpose, it is about driving a desired action.

Considering the input, the output is deeply impressive. But, since it ultimately draws on what has been written in the past to assemble something new, it is a very capable reformulation of what PR professionals have written. There’s a lot of repetition and no original thought, insight or perspective.        

It serves as a reminder that there is an additional dimension that will be hard, but not impossible, for AI to replicate – writing that engages audiences.

As writers we don’t just assemble words, we create a deeper psychological level to our text. We write in ways that are designed to resonate and propel others to read the next sentence or find out more. We express a point of view based on our individual life experience. It’s this subtext that ultimately makes what we write worth reading. 

The ChatGPT AI will not kill off writers (yet) – but it marks a generational shift in what technology can do.

There are benefits, but also a downside. Making it easier to generate readable, but essentially vacuous content, the risk is we cheapen the art of writing, make clients less willing to pay for it, and audiences less willing to read.

“We may have more content but be dumber for it, because professionals and students alike will be tempted to research and wrestle less with what they write - the key to providing the unique perspective and insights that make reading worthwhile.”                     


Read the full CommPRo article here:  ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence Test: The Future of Writing? 


Simon Erskine Locke is founder & CEO of communications agency and professional search and services platform, CommunicationsMatch™, and a regular contributor to CommunicationsMatch’s technology helps clients search, shortlist and hire agencies and professionals by industry and communications expertise, location, size, diversity and designations. CommunicationsMatch powers PRSA’s Find a Firm search tools, and developed the industry’s first integrated agency search and RFP tools, Agency Select™, with RFP Associates. 

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