Essential Communications

3 PR Strategies to Implement Right Now

3 PR Strategies to Implement Right Now | newyorkpublicrelationsblog


Public Relations is a dynamic field. To get the most of this important strategy and gain the recognition you deserve, you need to stay current on all the latest developments in PR and regularly adjust your course of action.

Here are a few changes your organization should embrace now to accelerate success.

  1. Build relationships with influencers

If you are serious about PR, there is a new marketing category you should be aware of. I am talking about undercover trendsetters, called “influencers” who carry great clout and have the power to plug your brand, help you expand your outreach and transform your reputation. They have their own fans and followers and can tell others why they appreciate your product or service. These popular social media users blog, podcast and record themselves, while making a splash in the marketing world. In fact, dealing with influencers may result in big potential payout and serve as a sales tool that nicely compliments  your other marketing strategies.

2.  Create engaging content instead of self-service ads

If you want to boost credibility and attract more fans, invest more time into creating rich, user-specific content. Rather than constantly putting out flashy slogans, repetitive promotions or blatant sales pitches, tell an interesting story that captivates, inspires and educates your audience. From video series to highly-interactive social media campaigns, companies need to step up their game, customize their online content and figure out what drives their customers.

Also, bear in mind that these days very few companies can get away with inefficiencies or substandard customer service. If you are unable to live up to your promise, the negative reviews will spread like fire all across social media channels, making it harder for your team to tell your side of the story and restore reputation.  Your job is to clearly articulate your core values and make them more relatable to the public.

3.  Offer an “exclusive”

Without a doubt, local publications, trade journals and broadcast shows still carry third-party credibility in today’s digital world. If you are determined to land earned editorial with traditional press, I suggest you offer the outlet you are targeting an exclusive angle. Your brand is probably comprised of a few different layers. Therefore, you should find the right outlets to cover each aspect of your brand.

When offering an exclusive, you increase your chances of getting coverage. Why? Simple. Most journalists are reluctant to write about something that has been covered already, perhaps by a competing outlet. They would rather break a story or deliver valuable content that has never appeared in other publications.

If you are ready to boost your profits and take your business to the next level, please visit or call (516) 724-4372 today. We look forward to speaking with you soon!

Republished from New York PR Blog


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