A search for firms with financial services expertise will produce a lot of results. Searches for companies with expertise in agriculture, children & toys, fashion or automobiles will result in tens if not hundreds of results. The key is to search using multiple criteria such as industry sector experience, communications expertise, location, and size to develop a short list of the 10 or 20 top firms that match your needs. Detailed company profiles provide the information to decide which firms you want to reach out to for more information. Each profile has links to the agency’s or communicator’s website for more information and contact details.
CommunicationsMatch is attracting thousands of visitors a month and the number of agency, consultant and freelancer searches is growing. It takes a few minutes to list your areas of expertise, bios, capabilities presentations, video, and post articles to our Insights Blog to drive SEO and new business leads. When you LIST you'll have unlimited search access. Click here to find out more.